Remembering The Seen

A blog about enjoying the world around you and making the time to experience it.

Georgia On My Mind February 4, 2010

Filed under: States,Travel — workingtotravel @ 5:00 pm

Many things come to mind when I think of Georgia, the first of which is love. I love Georgia. I have fond memories of the summers I spent there with my grandparents, ruining every pair of white shorts I ever had. That red clay just wouldn’t come out! Summers in Georgia are the seeds for my travel bug. My grandparents began to sprout my travel bug in the backseat of their car where I would go with them all over the country. Canada, Delaware, The Grand Canyon, Oklahoma City, Kentucky, Tennessee, and all over the great state of Georgia are just a few of the places I remember playing “I Spy” and other travel games.

As most young girls do, I lived fantasy stories in my everyday play. I played by myself on my backyard playscape and imagined I was a princess that needed to be saved by a knight in shining armor. Sometimes I had to act out both the part of the princess and the knight. Looking back, I think what I really loved were the clothes. Who wouldn’t want to wear a big fancy princess dress?

The second best thing to a big fancy princess dress is visiting old homes from the hoop skirt days of “The South”. I traveled all over Georgia with my grandparents visiting places Sherman burned down and places he left standing. Either way, my imagination had no problem filling in any information that was missing.

In my mind’s eye, Georgia will always be nostalgic for me. I will always remember the experiences I shared with my grandparents, the peaches, the Vidalia onions, all of my favorite restaurants, The Atlanta Braves, The Georgia Bulldogs, and the night the air conditioner stopped working.

What place will always hold special memories for you no matter how time changes it?


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